It’s a matter of faith to believe in the seasoning of time. This wisdom is hard won. Ten days of tubes and treatments, tests and a portable“throne” is an eternity but each day becomes a season of healing.
I find myself using a phrase from the 16th century : “in the nick of time”. It means: at the crucial moment, at the exact instant at which something must take place.
Bill’s hospitalization is in the nick of time. The word “ acute” is listed five times beside his conditions. When something is measured by a “nick” that means it’s precisely where it should be. Bill is exactly where he should have been (hospitalized) for the sake of where he needs to be (home).
Timing is everything. Was. is. Will be. Was hospitalized in the nick of time. Is discharged late last night. Will be making his first visit to a dialysis center today.
In the nick of time, precisely where prayer and medical care needed to be, there is and was, and will be. Amen.
We will, as the psalmist sang, learn to “number our days”, but we can not count all the blessings and acts of kindness. They are more than the grains of sand, be it hourglass or beach. And best of all, when we awake, God is with us.
Time is not running out. It’s being fulfilled.